المعرفة للجميع
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت من أعضاء المنتدى
او التسجيل ان لم تكن الأعضاء وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدي
المعرفة للجميع
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت من أعضاء المنتدى
او التسجيل ان لم تكن الأعضاء وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدي
المعرفة للجميع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

المعرفة للجميع

منتدى للحوار الفكري والمعرفي المتصل بالتربية والتعليم
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
أسماء الله احفظها

{وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُواْ الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَآئِهِ سَيُجْزَوْنَ مَا كَانُواْ يَعْمَلُونَ} (180) سورة الأعراف
يمكن حفظ القرآن الكريم
وفق قواعد التلاوة وبكل يسر
من خلال الضغط
على الرابط التالي:

القرآن الكريم
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
المواضيع الأخيرة
» برنامج مادة التربية الإسلامية الثامنة أساسي
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2020-09-24, 16:05 من طرف slim kilani

» فروض في مادة التربية الإسلامية( التاسعة أساسي)
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2019-03-29, 22:59 من طرف مهدي

» الدار العربية للتنمية الادارية فعاليات الماجستيرات شهر مارس وابريل ومايو2018م والممنوح من جامعة ميزوري – الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عنوان المؤتمر من الى للتسجيل المؤتمر العربى الخامس تكنولوجيا ادارة البلديات – المدن الذكية – smartcities 8 ابريل 11
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2018-02-18, 09:40 من طرف مروة الدار

» تدعوكم الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية بالتعاون مع مركز التقانة للتدريب والتنمية البشرية – جمهورية السودان للحضور والمشاركة في الملتقى العربي الرابع تخطيط المالية العامة } النظم المستجدة والمعاصرة { مقر الانعقاد: شرم الشيخ – جمهورية مصر العربية
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2018-02-14, 10:49 من طرف مروة الدار

» المؤتمر العربى الخامس التكنولوجيا إدارة البلديات
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2018-01-15, 11:05 من طرف مروة الدار

» دعوه للمشاركه في: ماجستير إدارة المستشفيات المهني المصغر (( اسطنبول – القاهرة )) 11 الى 22 فبراير 2018م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2018-01-11, 07:32 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية وحدة البرامج التدريبية وورش العمل البرنامج التدريبي الموازنة الفعالة والرقابة على التكاليف القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية خلال الفترة من 25 فبراير الى 1 مارس 2018 م يهدف
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2018-01-02, 13:46 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدورة التدريبية إعداد القيادات الإدارية خلال الفترة من 18 الى 27 فبراير 2018م مكان الانعقاد:القاهرة – جمهوريى مصر العربية
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-12-28, 08:20 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدورة التدريبية وضع وتنفيذ إستراتيجيات إدارة المواهب إدارة المواهب الإستراتيجية وتعزيز الأداء وتعظيم الإمكانيات ) ) خلال الفترة من 18 الى 22 فبراير 2018م مكان الانعقاد :القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-12-27, 13:33 من طرف مروة الدار

» المؤتمر العربى السادس (التطوير الاداري في المؤسسات الحكومية ) فرص التحول البناء الاحد الموافق 24 ديسمبر الى الخميس الموافق 28 ديسمبر 2017 م القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-11-04, 08:52 من طرف مروة الدار

» Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-29, 11:53 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية تــعـــقــــــــــــد الــمــؤتــــــمر العـــربى الســادس ( لتطوير الإداري فـي المؤسـسات الحكومية ) فرص التحول للبناء مقر الأنعقاد : القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية مدة الانع
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-17, 09:11 من طرف مروة الدار

» البرنامج التدريبى :التخطيط المالى وإعداد الموازنات التخطيطية ودورها فى الرقابة وتقييم الأداء القاهرة– أسطنبول
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-14, 12:25 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدورة التدريبية الأساليب الحديثة فى تكنولوجيا المعلومات ودورها فى دعم المؤسسات مقر الإنعقاد: ماليزيا موعد الإنعقاد: خلال الفترة من 24 الى 28 نوفمبر 2017 م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-11, 14:15 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدورة التدريبية الحكومة الإلكترونية (الأهمية والأهداف – التطبيقات والأداء ) مقر الإنعقاد: ماليزيا موعد الإنعقاد: خلال الفترة من 24 الى 28 نوفمبر 2017 م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-10, 12:35 من طرف مروة الدار

» تطبيقات إدارة الجودة الشاملة وتطوير الأداء باستخدام 6 سيجما القاهرة – اسطنبول خلال الفترة من 3 الى 7 ديسمبر 2017م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-09, 12:52 من طرف مروة الدار

» الدورة التدريبية المهارات الإعلامية لمسئولى العلاقات العامة مقر الإنعقاد: القاهرة – أسطنبول موعد الإنعقاد: خلال الفترة من 3 الى 7 ديسمبر 2017 م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-04, 13:02 من طرف مروة الدار

» دبلوم مدير تنفيذي معتمد القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية خلال الفترة من 12 الى 16 نوفمبر 2017م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-04, 13:01 من طرف مروة الدار

»  الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية تعقد المؤتمر العربى السادس (التطوير الاداري في المؤسسات الحكومية ) فرص التحول البناء مقر الأنعقاد : القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية مدة
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-09-30, 10:57 من طرف مروة الدار

» البرنامج الفني الهندسة العكسية وتطبيقاتها الصناعية مكان الإنعقاد : دبى – أسطنبول خلال الفترة من 1الى 10 نوفمبر 2017م
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-09-28, 13:59 من طرف مروة الدار

مواضيع مماثلة
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
كمال بوهلال - 2176
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
geographe - 1186
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
نادية - 645
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
yassine - 643
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
محمد - 465
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
مروة الدار - 238
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
محمّد الغريب - 110
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
bahita - 30
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
مهندس/سلامة - 19
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 
salim0913 - 15
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_rcapArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Voting_barArab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Vote_lcap 

نتائج البحث


Rechercher بحث متقدم


 Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مروة الدار
عضو متألق
عضو متألق
مروة الدار

المهنة : موظف
تاريخ الاشتراك : 23/03/2014
المساهمات : 238

Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio   Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio Icon_minitime2017-10-29, 11:53

Arab House for administrative development
In cooperation with
International union for organizational human development
Sixth Arabian conference
(governmental organizations administrative development)
Effective transformation opportunities
Location: Cairo –Egypt
Duration: 24:28 December 2017

As all the governments hardly seeking to solve all citizen problems and to get quick response for their needs through a lot of plans and programs to develop and increase the living level and to make sure the countries development progress be continuous to get all the solutions for people problems and this can’t be achieved without getting the full image for what’s happening in the country and be sure to mix between mentality and management activities and using high tech programs from another side to contain all the development activities and processes and try t get the full advantages from all this procedure .
Our conference aim to:
• K now all the public strategies in field of knowledge
• Mix between digital systems and administrative management
• Forecast the future and the directions of administrative development in the continuous technology updating and how to create effective Opportunities
• How to create effective Opportunities using digital tools
• Analysis of disadvantages for using Digital tools in development.

Conference themes Divided to:

1. Information’s and management and policies
2. Electronic governmental Development and its relations with policies
3. Policies development strategies and it’s relation with management development using
Communication and information technologies
4. Integration between Information technology and organizations and governmental departments needs

Out conference suitable for all the following titles:
• CEO and management board Members
• General managers in variable ministries
• Human resources development, Human resources management, training and administrative development managers and all these departments employees .

And for this occasion we are honored to invite you to participate and to spread our conference launching and will be please to get your feedback if you are interested or who will be interested about this conference
Kindly know the cost of this conference attendance is 1000 U.S.D for participant

Hope to get your feedback as soon as possible for more information kindly communicate us

Tel: 0020237800573 Email: saragwadi@gmail.com
Kindly show the participant Names and titles and payment terms or fill up our application through the next URL:


Sara Abdel-Gawad
Assistant Training Manager

خطة الدار العربية للتنمية الادارية لعام 2018
سارة عبد الجواد
نائب مدير التدريب
جوال :00201112694608
هاتف - فاكس :0020237800583/0020237800573

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Arab House for administrative development In cooperation with International union for organizational human development Launches Sixth Arabian conference (governmental organizations administrative development) Effective transformation opportunities Locatio
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» الدار العربية للتنمية الادارية بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولي لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية International Federation for Human Development Institutions (Mini MBA) ماجستير إدارة الأعمال المهني المصغر بإعتماد : معهد التنمية الإدارية – كلية إدارة الأعمال والم

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
المعرفة للجميع :: المنتدى التعليمي العام :: منتدى البيداغوجيا ومستجدات التربية والتعليم :: منتدى المعاهد-
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